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OCD is characterised by unreasonable and unwanted thoughts, feelings, ideas and sensations creating a fear that can be categorised as obsession resulting in repetitive behaviours and rituals which can be termed as compulsion. 
With OCD a person may or may not realize that their obsessions aren’t reasonable, the element of fear drives compulsion to greater heights as a result they perform compulsive acts to ease their stressful feelings. 
The symptoms of OCD can be seen in childhood, adolescence or adulthood. 
Obsessions can be defined as: 

  1. Constant and consistent urges or images that are experienced, at some time during the disturbance as intrusive and unwanted, which causes anxiety and distress. 

  1. The respected individual makes an attempt to neutralize and suppress such thoughts with some other thought or action (performing of compulsion) 

Compulsions can be defined as: 

  1. Repetitive behaviours (example: hand washing, ordering, checking) or mental acts (example: repeating words silently, praying, counting) that the individual feels driven to perform in response to an obsession. 

  1. The behaviours or acts are performed to prevent anxiety and stress caused by the obsessions. 



  • Aggressive impulses 

  • Thinking someone will harm you 

  • Thinking you will harm someone 

  • Continuous sexual thoughts 

  • Repeated unwanted thoughts 

  • Extremely possessive about cleaning 


  • Constantly washing hands 

  • Checking frequently doors are locked or not 

  • Arranging and rearranging particular items many times in a day 

  • Constantly checking upon things 

  • Constantly counting 

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